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Even though I no longer have time to work as an Extra on the few movie projects in our State I still get all the emails and recently forwarded one to my niece because they were looking for a baby and ... she has one. She called me yesterday to tell me that Noah got the part! And he'll be playing a girl!
Eight weeks old and he's already a better actor than I am. Sigh.
Let me be clear, I am a BIG FAN of all the new rules, instruction, and restrictions on teens driving. I don't really want to be on the road with crazy kid drivers. I don't want to be in the car with them either. Which brings me to this week.My daughter gave me the brochure to sign her up for Segment II of Driving School. She took Segment I last summer and needed 30 hours of driving with a parent to be eligible to take Segment II. I don't have a problem with this; practice makes perfect. And I don't recall driving with my parents much when I had my Permit. I only remember my dad occasionally letting me drive the family the 1 1/2 miles home from church with a big grin on his face like I was a monkey who learned how to type. Then I got my license and was set loose on the unsuspecting drivers of the Flint area.Anyway, the description for Segment II says it is 6 hours of lecture based on defensive driving. SO, my husband and I have just spent 30 hours in the car with our daughter WHO HAS NO DEFENSIVE DRIVING SKILLS!I had already suspected this. She's somewhat cautious, but not in a watching-out-for-other-drivers kind of way. More like I-hope-I-remember-how-to-do-this. I'm suspicious that the Driving School people are joining up with the population control folks. And I'm very glad that I made my husband do most of the Permit passengering. He has more life insurance.
I am a Judger. Especially of other parents. So I suppose it was inevitable that I eventually give in to my husband and agree to let the children join us on a trip to Las Vegas. We took them indoor skydiving (the unathletic Boy being the best indoor skydiver, go figure), sat in the Poncho Section (2nd row) at Blue Man Group, and accidentally (because you can't help it once you're there) exposed them to every tacky and sleazy thing Las Vegas has to offer. Sigh. But because I am a Judger I can't resist adding AT LEAST THEY WEREN'T IN STROLLERS because, really, a stroller in Las Vegas? That's just annoying to me AND your toddler. I'm trying to pick out the funniest thing I overheard/experienced/saw while we were there. I'm torn between: A) The guy who started chatting us up in the elevator and asked what floor we were staying on then replied, "22. You're practically in the sky." B) The guy we saw walking out of the Luxor talking on his cellphone and saying "I just got kicked out of the Luxor.....for life!" And, because I judge myself as harshly as I judge others: C) "Beau, stop staring at giant girl on the giant stripper pole." "I was looking at the hats. I didn't even see the giant girl on the giant stripper pole until you pointed it out." Sigh. Again.